Monday, June 29, 2015

Natural Mitral Valve Prolapse Treatments: Before You Start, Make Sure of Your Diagnosis

Mitral valve prolapse is a fairly common condition in the U.S. where one or both of the heart’s atrial valves doesn’t open and close completely, and it’s usually because of either a deformity in the valve or other reasons. And if your doctor has determined that this is definitely the problem that’s causing mitral valve regurgitation (blood leaking back into the previous chamber), by all means seek the treatment that’s advised. Otherwise, you might want to see an autonomic disorder or POTS doctor and make sure that dysautonomia isn’t the real problem.

Why?  Well, there are a bunch of symptoms that dysautonomia and mitral valve prolapse have in common, and without directly seeing that a prolapsed valve is the issue, it’s easy to misdiagnose—and that’s a BIG deal for you.  Natural dysautonomia treatments, like natural mitral valve prolapse treatments, involve making sure your electrolytes are balanced and taking certain supplements, but there are differences and before you start treating, it often pays to rule out dysautonomia so you can always be moving toward getting healthier and feeling better—not wasting your time. POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) even has some symptoms in common with mitral valve prolapse, so you’ll want to rule that out, too—again, so you know you’re going in the right direction.
Dysautonomia-MVP Center, LLC is a Birmingham, AL-based world-class autonomic disorder treatment center with the latest technology and latest advancements in medicine related to understanding and treating dysautonomia, POTS and MVP syndrome.  Our doctors, Dr. Paula Moore and Dr. Susan Phillips are some of the best autonomic disorder and best POTS doctors in the U.S.  They are known for making the right decision and helping patients get on the road to recovery quickly and effectively because of their ability to diagnose and treat accurately. Drop by or call us today and get the answers you deserve. We have flexible appointments, great customer service and a patient-focused approach that works. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Dysautonomia-MVP Center, LLC
Accurate Diagnosis & Treatment for Better Results
2470 Rocky Ridge Road Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35243
(205) 286-3200